Consistent Marketing Secrets Every Marketer Needs To Know


Consistency is one of the keys to delivering an excellent customer experience.

Consistent interaction with customers is the foundation of your funnel.  From making the marketplace aware of your company and your Website, right to getting a customer to buy from you frequently.

What Does It Mean to Consistently Interact with Customers?

Consistent interaction consists of continuously engaging your customers.  It involves every engagement your business has with a customer, this could include:

  • An email sent to your customer from your business.
  • When someone mentions you on a forum.
  • When prospects, leads, and customers see your ad.
  • Customers raving about your products and brand.
  • Your business showing up on the first page of search engine results.
  • Engagement with your Website.

Consistent interaction with your business will be different for every customer.  Different interaction points will require a different mix of messages.  Your messaging and communication must always go right to your potential customer’s needs, and not your own.

The further a customer gets through your funnel, the more intimate the interaction can become.  Prospects go from seeing your ads, to receiving engaging emails.  The more intimate the interaction, the more powerful it is, but the greater your loss will be if you drop the ball.

Intimate interaction builds as customers move further and further down the funnel.  As a result the more they are worth to you and the more they expect from you – if you disappoint them at this point, you lose a valued customer and winning them back may become difficult.

Continuous interaction should never end.  It should continue throughout the lifetime of each customer’s relationship with your business, which involves every engagement a customer has with your business.  Intimate interaction is good for your business and increases CLTV in your business.

Love your customers and they will love you back.  See them as more than an email address that opted-in to your subscriber’s list.  If they’re on your list, you’ve probably already touched a hot spot in their lives by providing a solution that alleviated their problems.

Your relationship with your customers must be nurtured.  Developing intimacy with your customers will prevent you from treating your business as a hobby or sideline income, into a business motivated to meet and satisfy needs.

Your goal in consistently interacting with your customers or potential customers is to achieve the following results:

  • Satisfied customers
  • Long-term relationships
  • Repeat business
  • Strong referrals

As a business that continues to interact with customers, you want every sales objective, no matter how large or how small, to move predictably to an outcome that delivers on all of the above goals.

Feedback from Customers

Customer feedback is good for your business, so you want them to talk about you everywhere.  Feedbacks from customers could be anything from reviews on your and other Websites, to them spreading your message through word of mouth, forums, social media platforms, video and in print.

A good customer review system will be the great feedback you can use to improve your business.  Quotes and star ratings from customers can be used in your marketing message to encourage other people to buy your products.

Since feedback is important to your business, you must make sure the right message is being delivered at all channels and your business is consistent in everything it says and does.  Without the right message, your customers won’t be able to talk good about your business.

Feedback from Influencers

In the marketplace, influencers are people who have influence over potential buyers.  They tend to have a social reach where they’re able to reach millions of people through their social channels and blogs. 

Influencers tend to produce original and effective marketing content for their brand.  Their audiences trust them because they maintain strong relationships with them.  Due to the level of trust people place in them, their opinions are highly valued.

Therefore, feedback from influencers can either create or destroy a customer trust in your business.  So if an influencer is raving about you, the trust the customer already has in that source will be passed over to your business.  The opposite is also true – if a trusted influencer negatively criticizes your business then it can destroy your customers trust in you.

This is why continuous interaction if done effectively will create a feeling of engagement and trust when customers are dealing with your business.  The role of continuous interaction is to get the prospect to the next step that will get them to either opt-in to your list or buy.

The better the interaction, the more likely customers are to convert and the faster they will reach a point where they will want to buy.  Continuous interaction is all about building trusted relationships between your business and your customers.
