Secrets To Get Repeated Sales


When leads have been captured by your beginning sales and marketing activities, you must nurture them with regular value-building information that can convert them into paying customers.

At this stage of the sales process, you finally get to wrap your head around getting the sale.  The further customers go through each stage of your funnel, the more your business and your brand stand to lose if things go bad.

If things go wrong:

  • You lose a great opportunity to continue the sales relationship.
  • Your investment goes down the drain – you lose your time, effort, and money it took to get them to this level.

Converting your leads into buyers is all about creating enough trust and providing enough value to motivate interested leads to become customers that buy time and time again.

So, it’s important to invest your time, money, and effort at this stage to create as many first-time buyers as possible.

In this stage and the ones that follow, you will further educate, consult and advise your prospects that opted in to your list about the benefits your products and services deliver.  Try to picture yourself as a doctor who diagnoses and then prescribes solutions to people’s problems.

When you see yourself under those circumstances, you become more comfortable selling.  And your prospects will also perceive you as a trusted, educated, knowledgeable, qualified, confident, capable adviser – someone who educates them and solves their problems.

If you run into a problem in this stage, it means that the wrong prospects were brought through from the start of the process.  If the ideas in this chapter don’t improve your conversion in converting leads into buyers, then your previous stages in the sales process need to be optimized to bring better quality prospects to your business.

Here we encounter the first time where there’s only one way to move further down the funnel.  Buying from you is the only way for a lead to move down to the next level as it’s not possible to jump over this stage on the path to becoming a frequent buyer.

For a lead to progress further than this stage of the sales process, would require him or her to make the first purchase.  In this stage your products or services have a major role to play.

What’s Your Goal at This Stage of the Sales Process?

Your goal in this stage is to get your new lead to show just how much they trust your business by buying something.

By this stage:

  • You will find that there are plenty of leads to further engage with.
  • These leads now know and understand more about your business and feel surer that you can meet their needs.
  • These leads have placed trust in your business as they were moved by your marketing, visited your Website, and gave you their email address by opting-in.

This is the stage where all the work you’ve put into making prospects aware you exist, bringing qualified visitors, and encouraging email opt-ins pays off. 

In order to succeed at this stage of the sales process, the flow needs to continue to come from the previous stages.  If your results in this stage are low, then it’s an indication that your previous stages will need improved optimization.

How Does Your Interaction Fit into This Stage?

As you interact with customers through the previous stages, the trust built has been paying off:

  • In the first stage your marketing efforts got prospects to visit your Website.
  • In the second stage more value was added and prospects became leads as they handed you their email address.

Although value has been added to get prospects to this point, at this stage your task is to get them to continue to trust you as you continue to interact with them.  You want your leads to like you and what you have to offer enough to buy from you for the first time.  Once they buy from you, they enter the next stage in your funnel.

Now that you have your leads email address, you can continue to put the right messages in front of them.  At this point you also need to prove to them that their trust in you has been well placed as you treat their email address with respect.

It’s all about positioning your business the right way so that the sales conversion process will be easy and natural for both you and your new customer.

Many of the people you’re selling to have may have been conned or deceived in some form or another too many times.  The fact is that unless they already know you, you’re already starting the sales process in hostile territory.  Even though you conduct business with the utmost of good ethics, some prospects may be cynical and not trust you.

In their eyes you’re just like any other business that they must watch out for so you don’t hurt them.  You’ll have to prove yourself to them before you can get out of the hostile territory in which they are holding you.  The only way to get to safe ground will be to build trust in the sales process.

Trust is the major barrier to getting them to buy and for that you need to implement solid strategies to sales conversion.

Bottom line, don’t let them think you are in sales for one second.  The best way is to take on a consultative, advisory selling approach using a nurturing system.  You must see yourself as an agent of change, creator of great value, that benefits and gives the advantage to your prospects and customers.

Be an expert in your category or industry.  Consultative, advisory selling is very cost effective, enduring, impactful and powerful marketing strategy a business owner could ever devise.  When you take on this role, you become powerful as you consult, advise and educate prospects and customers about the benefits your products bring to them.

It’s the only way to take the power back off the buyer in the chaotic collaborative world we live in today.  So, stop giving leads the appearance of selling and start educating and advising.  Your clients will appreciate you more and so will your bank account.
