To Get Leads To Buy Faster, Engage With Them This Way


Once you sort out the basics to turn your leads into customers, you can begin to actively encourage them to make the purchase.

But don’t forget to continue your trust building nurturing with them as it’s still part of everything you’re putting in front of them.

Engaging leads through email is the most important marketing for turning them into first time buyers.

It’s important because:

  • It quickly drives their response.
  • New leads have trusted you with their email address, and you want to prove to them that you’re worthy of that trust as quickly as possible – which is the job of the welcome email.
  • It gets the right messages of your business and brand in front of leads.

Having a welcoming email sequence is important when needing to engage leads. So what is a welcoming sequence? A “Welcoming Sequence” is made up of a series of communications you send to someone after they opt-in to your email list.

The role of the Sequence is to:

  • Continue your nurturing and build further trust with your leads.
  • Get them to buy fast.
  • Improve your chances of your emails ending up in their inbox (successful email deliverability).

Email systems like Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, etc., have their own algorithms to decide what to do with each email their systems receive. Inbox? Spam? Not delivered at all? As a result, you have to come up with ways to improve your chances of reaching your leads and customers inbox. And this is where email deliverability is essential.

The success of your emails being successfully making it to your recipients’ inboxes will rely on them actively doing something on their part. This is the first task you must tackle when it comes to your welcoming sequences.

During the Welcoming Sequence (and all emails afterwards) you want customers to interact with the emails you send – open them, click on them, reply to them, etc. In the Welcoming Sequence you also want them to add you to their safe senders’ folder (better known as whitelisting).

The sooner you get your subscribers to start taking these actions, the better and stronger is the Interaction. So, in your very first email to a lead, you should:

  • Ask them to add your business email to their safe senders’ folder.
  • Give them a reason to reply… “Help us out, tell us what your favorite X is, we’re running a competition to win Y – just reply to enter”.
  • Give them lots of reasons to click on your emails… “Click here to redeem your sign-up offer, click here to fill in a little survey so we can send you better emails, click here to follow us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.”
  • And of course, give them whatever you’ve promised… “a promotional offer, great content, etc.”.

The welcoming email needs to be sent within minutes of the opting into your list.  For subsequent emails, you should test, measure and optimize accordingly. They could be sent once per day, twice per week, or so.  This is why testing is essential to see how your subscribers respond.

There are two particularly great things about the Welcoming Sequence:

  • It can be built email by email by putting it live as soon as you have your first email ready, then add on each extra email as you have them.
  • It’s automated in an autoresponder, which means once you set it up it runs as long as you want it to. Whatever email system you use (Aweber, MailChimp, InfusionSoft, GetResponse, etc.) it’s possible to set up a series of emails that automatically flows out each time someone opts-in to your list by giving you their email address.

Your other emails could include anything from Call to Actions into another promotion to buy, content that continues to build trust through interaction, or any of a series of topics and ideas. The order of emails is different from business to business. 

Whatever you do, put out emails that helps in your interaction with customers, and try to alternate your buying messages with trust-building content.

Once the Welcoming Sequence is finished, send broadcasts emails that encourage customers to further engage with you and buy. The Welcoming Sequence is a key part of your marketing activities. Once it’s sorted out, it turns your lead nurturing up a notch.
